We Are At War — The War Of The Mind — Will You Fight for Your Freedom?

Jonathan L Trapman
10 min readSep 1, 2020

How many believe we are in the midst and depth of a Third World War?

How many accept their freedoms of yesterday are at dire risk, perhaps already rent asunder and stripped from you?

How many of you are willing and prepared, for your children's’ sake, for their children's’ sake and for humanity, to fight to the ultimate to make sure The People win against such tyranny, daily squeezing itself into each and every mind?

I do not ask these questions lightly. Nor do I wish to inculcate fear — quite the opposite. Fear drowns every fear-filled being. It is fear from every quarter they feed you, so that drowning can hand them victory.

Fearlessness conquers tyranny.

We stand at the nexus of terrors their new world rains down and prepares for us for, disguised as trinkets of ease, tranquility and empowerment.The gaudy delights, dreams and frivolities of technological magnificence, are only matched by their real purpose — to control each and every part of our future miserable lives.

If we are wise, an awakening to this reality will serve as our greatest weapon -knowledge. Their power over us is only as strong as our quiescence is total. It only holds its magic as long as we say Yes, rather than No!

The reality is they will serve us permanent servitude, enslavement and the steady culling of our kind. Do not believe me, read their own script, hanging in public view since 2010 and well before.

We are so way beyond the point of “Oh, they would never so that to us would they?It has already been done. Just study the Global Reset they have in store. Forget the shiny, slick presentation, see deep into the actual implementation behind it all.

This planned, so called pandemic was ever thus. Having gone through a litany of previous plans to scare the people shitless, this CV-19 was made to fit the bill where lockdown, mandatory this and mandatory that could be slyly, yet overtly invoke. Its illegality pronounced as legal and where the few majors, generals and heads of command could make the population believe full blown mandatory vaccination with untested, unproven cocktails of heavy metal shite and nano trackers will relieve us of any chance of coming down with a make believe monster virus.

The saddest thing is so many capitulated from the get go, rolled over and said, “Please, for my good and safety, screw me, kill me any way you want to.” These people, like the curs of colluders in the face of the Nazis and other despotic regimes, just surrendered without a thought and without any critical appraisal. This subservience allowed the media channels to air not a single balanced appraisal of what is touted as the global catastrophe it was never.

Those inflicting these horrors, for their own gain, encourage each and every collaborator to ‘out’ their neighbours, their family member remaining non compliant. The work of sourcing the renegades now has an army of weak, ignorant, self deluded, righteously virtual signalling authoritarian followers, who see it as their task to ensure compliance around their locale. For the quiet life they sell their friends and neighbours down the river.

Is this you?

Can you find the courage in you to fight these evils? Do you treasure your divinely gifted freedoms and rights as a human being to make your mark, stand on your integrity and apply your whole being to all you ever felt was a right to be and live?

Then if you can, the greatest battles lie ahead to be fought and won with victory of right over wrong, justice over injustice, peace over terror and life over living death declared.

The recent mass gatherings, typically denigrated by a mainstream intent on feeding the propaganda the ill informed lap up, describe those seekers of freedom, as groups of conspiracy fanatics. Yet resistance remains.

What may not be apparent is within these movements for justice, freedom and right moves a slick, sleazy, warm worded. convincing bevvy of double agents, spies, assets of CoIntelPro, whose task is to mislead, divert and confuse the innocently enthused. Disinformation, distraction, the pretence of groups purporting to be part of the solution, weasel their ways into our minds, convincing us they are one of us, as they pit each one of us against the other.

That MO was deeply present last Saturday in Trafalgar Square, London. Not even the surge of hope and camaraderie could hide it. The blocking of full schedules, the weirdly conjunct placement of some, let us say, dubious speakers and the serious impairment of the presentation, remote connections and sound, were obvious signs of chicanery, to those well versed in the methodology of these agents.

The obvious frightener tactics of enlisting a £10,000 fine on several there, merely reinforced the fear now embedded across organisations preparing similar mass rallies across the country. This was, of course, the very purpose in creating these moods. Where fear prevents courage and determined will to proceed at full force, many small victories are gained by the behemoth of the state. The drip, drip, drip of subservience, compliance and a fear of countering the state, helps compound the illegal introduction of laws as unrepresentative of the freedoms we hold so dear, as to be laughable if it were not so despicably serious. A perfect example of that is the Mask-erade

Many rarely pause to critically think about who is being played by whom. They themselves roll over, accepting fine speeches, rousing words and the call luring them, like the Pied Piper of Hamlin, towards a bright tomorrow. Truth be told, the road they are led along is to a dark and dirty dead end of a place.

Not all that shines and twinkles is a diamond, yet the desire to believe it is, is the very naiveté so often embraced, allowing credulity mask reality and deception.

Remember this is a filthy dirty war, where as always the population is mere cannon fodder to an ulterior cause. Anyone thinking this is an over dramatisation and beyond belief, is at best very naive.

The Secret Services, branches of intelligence and disinformation, as seen in the 77th Brigade, GCHQ and Integrity Initiative, entrusted to protect us against terrorism, disinformation and malign players, themselves serve these very elements, in their line of duty towards a treasonous master. So invisible, so malign are these forces, ranged against truth getting aired, it would scare the bejesus out of any ill informed, simpleton member of the public, if they truly understood the grade of deception. That the very same ‘innocents’ are willing to believe Truth is lie and peace is war, enables they themselves to become the greatest asset of the enemy. Traduced people become the manipulated tools of the enemy.

It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement.

The spin of confusion, mega amounts of glossy solutions dangled are all part of the parade of glitz, keeping our collective eye off the ball. That so many have no idea the UK Parliament has passed a law signing us out of one regime, the EU, and into a tyrannical, treasonous governance where our sovereignty has been hijacked as their own. A Crown dethroned, a people neutered of their true sovereign being and the mechanisms of control rolled out under cover of a fake pandemic, bring forward the very worst scenarios.

The politics of Obedience The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude

Tyranny is as old as history itself. Five hundred years ago, a great philosopher and political analyst wrote a slim volume, The Politics of Obedience, The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude. Étienne de la Boétie, its author, speaks to us today, down the centuries with an insight, truth and solutions to everything we face in 2020.

“I should like merely to understand how it happens that so many men, so many villages, so many cities, so many nations, sometimes suffer under a single tyrant who has no other power than the power they give him; who is able to harm them only to the extent to which they have the willingness to bear with him; who could do them absolutely no injury unless they preferred to put up with him rather than contradict him. Surely a striking situation! Yet it is so common that one must grieve the more and wonder the less at the spectacle of a million men serving in wretchedness, their necks under the yoke, not constrained by a greater multitude than they…Shall we call subjection to such a leader cowardice? … If a hundred, if a thousand endure the caprice of a single man, should we not rather say that they lack not the courage but the desire to rise against him, and that such an attitude indicates indifference rather than cowardice? When not a hundred, not a thousand men, but a hundred provinces, a thousand cities, a million men, refuse to assail a single man from whom the kindest treatment received is the infliction of serfdom and slavery, what shall we call that? Is it cowardice? … When a thousand, a million men, a thousand cities, fail to protect themselves against the domination of one man, this cannot be called cowardly, for cowardice does not sink to such a depth. . . . What monstrous vice, then, is this which does not even deserve to be called cowardice, a vice for which no term can be found vile enough . . . ?

So much is laid down around our right to freedom, yet in de la Boétie’s words:

…it is fruitless to argue whether or not liberty is natural, since none can be held in slavery without being wronged, and in a world governed by a nature, which is reasonable, there is nothing so contrary as an injustice. Since freedom is our natural state, we are not only in possession of it but have the urge to defend it.

To even get close to being in a winning position in this war it is imperative a single force needs directing towards the enemy. Initially that enemy is an illegal government, believing it has a divine sovereign right to enact unjust, illegal and deceitful ‘laws’ allegedly in our name and for our good. That there is no good at all is in itself a scam.

The loudest and most forceful declaration from us all to refuse any and all compliance is imperative. Such naive, yet well intentioned players as Piers Corbyn, taking one for the collective, may merely be an example of an innocent, easily manipulated with a famous sibling, being made the scapegoat to fill others with the fear of going the same way.

That we stand and say No! consistently and with the force of numbers is more powerful than sporadic, efforts of one particular subject area of action dissipating the force of the many.

There are many areas of abuse of our freedoms, these can all be addressed once the message of total non compliance has reached the halls of Parliament and Downing Street.

In a few weeks many millions will be finding themselves up against a programmed force enabling evictions. There are 11 million plus mortgage holders in this country. Each of these are servicing an illegal operation to rob them of their income. The Great British Mortgage Swindle exposed the rank corruption rife in both mortgage and bank practices. Proven as such it would demand each and every mortgage holder to desist from feeding the financial greed and illegal bloodsucking of these corporations, by refusing to buy into it. With a proven methodology to confront this fraud, this in itself would be effective enough to bring down the corrupt system of illegal governance.

Another is to refuse en masse to pay any taxes. To refuse to corroborate any and every demand made using the CV-19 as excuse. This fraudulent cover is and never has been what it is made out to be. Our numbers are all that is needed to block any progress.

Finally as people around the world are waking to their right to be under the Common Law, it is imperative for everyone wishing to see change from a system, inherently flawed, to one that holds and has the People as sovereign over their each and every lives, to support that over and above everything needing solution.

With a governance under the Common Law, the present illegitimate and corrupt legal system will be rooted out, never to see its sort again.

There are those who believe they have a road to the Common Law becoming supreme, yet in their efforts they have failed to comprehend the real historical facts. This shows their thinking and belief to rest upon a bed of fallacies that make everything they do worthless. This is in itself an example of ignorant best intentions falling on its face, merely supported through the will of ego to sustain it. That then becomes the laughing stock of the very people it is intended to bring to justice, making all our efforts look like incompetents at play.

It is vital everyone seriously wishing for results, comprehends the power they already have with the Magna Carta 2020 enactment. It is essential everyone also recognises the original Magna Carta, so touted as our bedrock to democracy, was flawed from the outset. It existed for mere months before being destroyed. For all the reasons check here. It is imperative we work with what works, what are our rightful rights and make every effort to see this becomes the basis for our next evolutionary steps in humanity’s growth.

The best step everyone can take is to download — it’s free — the slim volume by Étienne de la Boétie and read it and discover a beautiful truth, that in itself is enough to bring down this tyranny, if enacted.


The author: Jonathan Trapman
Author, photo journalist, researcher and seeker after truth, Jonathan’s career started in the back stabbing, headline grabbing pavements and offices of Fleet Street, London. Decades of indoctrination into the vile art of propaganda and media, found him reach a pinnacle of renown as one of the top photographers in the industry.
Drawn to expose the untruths and base intentions of the Cabal, he followed former investigative members of his family, in exposing the Dark Side.
Find out more here



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.