Up To Her Neck in 100% Bull

Jonathan L Trapman
4 min readSep 14, 2018

They say when you’re up to your neck in alligators it’s hard to remember the initial intention was clearing the swamp. With Nimrata Randhawasorry, Nikki, I’m not Sikh, Haley she has been spewing the swamp since sitting as UN representative for the United States.

Her latest diatribe of propagandised rubbish and exceptionalism rhetoric around the US’s painstaking concern for civilians in Idlib is the most trite load of comprehensive BS a UN representative has spoken. Their record in Raqqa and Aleppo is testament “they give not one f***” as an unnamed ambassador is reputed to have said — “Human Rights hypocrisy at its most transparent“.

Truth is the US wish to protect their assets in the form of Al Qaeda and its offshoots, want to disrupt any semblance of returning to a democratic sovereign state by Syria and in turn cause Russia a thousand and one headaches before pressing them toward a global war by invading Iran for their Israeli planners. Neatly it gives Trump a good reason to reverse another of Obama’s legislation toward cooling the Iranian waters.

Haley, as is universally known and in her own words, places Israel’s interests and needs way before the country she allegedly represents. It is also highly likely she has sold her Sikh genes for Zionist ones in a ‘trade one, get one free’ deal with her sugar daddy Bibi Netan….you know the rest.

Listening to the lies and insults she trades with such passionate conviction across the Security Council floor you would imagine she feels a huge swathe of the world listening supports her. On the contrary most people consider her barking mad. The poor Russian Ambassador to the UN had huge shoes to fill when Vitaly Ivanovich Churkin so suddenly passed however he has grown and grown and in his own right able to slap the bullcrapper down at a hundred paces. Vasily Nebenzya is an extraordinary eloquent and incisive speaker. The distance he is able to get under both Haley’s skin and the UK representative, Karen Pierce is theatre at its best.

Haley’s handler Jon Lerner certainly has briefed her well with the rubbish she so willingly proselytises like a failed drama student in the Council, she then makes herself even more ludicrous by feeding the baying hounds of press salivating for salacious anti Russian bait.

Haley said of Russia:

We don’t trust Russia; we don’t trust Putin; we never will. They’re never going to be our friend. That’s just a fact.’

Such ‘facts’ are the fiction she feeds on.

She is an avid supporter of Al Qaeda and its subsections and renamed parts. The U.S. government admitted last year that Syria’s last “rebel-held” province, Idlib is the “largest Al Qaeda safe haven since 9/11″.

Haley’s recent comments downplaying the Al Qaeda presence in Idlib follow those recently made by James Jeffrey, the U.S.’ new representative for Syria engagement, who told The Washington Post last week that “rebels” in Idlib are “not terrorists, but people fighting a civil war against a brutal dictator.” This line certainly must question the alliance to Al Qaeda the US has had since 9/11, let alone the convenience of turnaround they perform today like sick acrobats.

Any attack on Syria’s Idlib province is going to be “dealt with,” Haley warned, as Washington seeks to stop the Russian-backed Syrian army from retaking the last remaining jihadist stronghold.

The Trump administration, with the much heralded imminent release of videos blaming the Syrian government for a staged chemical weapons attack, looks like a godsend to support their illegal military presence in Syria “indefinitely.” Such happenstance in these situations are nothing of the sort. They are carefully coordinated. With the mention of the Americans “redefining its goals” which would include regime change in Damascus and efforts to contain Iran’s regional influence, Haley is sent out to pour her accusatory nonsense onto all and sundry.

In an age where the US has rarely had any real diplomats, Nikki Haley is the very bottom of the pit of excrement parading as American diplomacy.

Whether the controversial White Helmets videos that have been made get shown will in no way alter the intention for military action to be ordered without chemical-weapons accusations. The U.S. once again leaps into another quagmire, in a last-ditch effort to recast Syria and the entire Middle East in their own image as designed by the State of Israel.

So the “Don’t test us” threat Haley throws out like some puppy on stilts to a Great Dane is merely another sign of the spent US power biliously letting off wind. Wind that emanates from the soiled mouth of the American Sikh upstart.



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.