The Terrifying Sorrow Witnessing the Defilement of Humanity

Jonathan L Trapman
6 min readSep 29, 2018


It is no secret. We live in a world controlled, manipulated and ordained by psychopathic protagonists, hell bent on imposing their order on humankind. Their care for the natural world is like them, lacking an iota of emotion. The arrogance, impunity and haste with which they propagate their cause would in any sane environment be flagged as criminal. In the dystopian world we endure all is reversed.

In the world we exist in, it seems almost futile to effect change for the better. Although the project of this criminal, vicious and evil movement has been rooted in their ways and progressed through their means since way before the Second World War, the project, having slaughtered so many millions took off in earnest.

Today we see deceit, perpetration of lies and abhorrent propaganda, honed so successfully over the past decades hoisted into position where through the trusty Fifth Estate, the media, it has hijacked, captured and nullified any sort of critical thought that might have existed. Any questioning is spun and put down as treachery. Any rallying in defence of sanity, equality and justice stamped on with jackboots. The tales spun, the gross mendacious and malicious attacks on any form of resistance have finally made the great majority bend down, kneel in obedient abeyance to an order of rule the most despotic of historical tyrants would have given their kingdom for.

Resistance is futile it seems. The Borg today laugh maniacally at our collective frozen state. I witness first hand the so called enlightened, the self professed spiritual in our communities whispering in false falsetto voices that Love is All, Peace is our World. The delusion has infected even these precious deluded. They have never taken the self assessment and change class. As for the special cases LGBTQXYZ, nuf said. They have fashioned their own doom through utter bloody ignorance and following false prophets.

The delusional, self aggrandising, so called President of the United States bellows to the world at this year’s UNGA how his efforts, his massive brain and acumen have brought so much to so many in such a short period of time.

That the assembled heads of state, presidents, prime ministers and coterie of important people laughed at his rendition was both hilarious and terrifying at the same time. The single person having the power to start a conflict blowing humanity into the next world is now a clown, a philanderer and arrogant, self obsessed idiot. You get what you vote for…. and the US did just that, helped by the voting mechanisms tweaked at will by Deep State influences. Definitively not Russian state nor China nor anyone outside their own borders.

Yet so many have bought these lies, these convenient untruths. Lack of brain cells is a sorrowful thing for humanity yet for the movers in this insane new world it is taken as such a relief making their plans set far easier as they are laid.

The corporate cabal of criminals have spent all the time since WW2 preparing the British for the fall that is to be Brexit. The innocent, though that is disputable, citizens taken and led up the path of the greatest con and distraction of In or Out.They have been fed nothing but pap. No ideas of why or where they are being led they fall back on their default mindset that is Little Englander. Immigrants, overarching non sovereign control that is the EU, freedom of speech, self determination etc etc.

In reality their fate is well sealed. The flooding of the pariah state of UK, loveless, desperate for trade, industry and friends, with US tat finally turns this sceptred isle into the refuse dump for all the fish and genetically altered agri science so perversely prevalent in North America. Food regulations will fly out of the window as fast as the chlorinated chickens can, if ever they were capable escaping their broiler penitentiary. The epitome of what was people centred is, as we write being signed off to private interests, mainly Big Pharma. The National Health Service, a free at point of delivery to all will crumble as so much else will follow in its ruined path.

It beggars belief how so many have allowed ten years of recent rule by the Conservative party to destroy inch by inch the very fabric that was previously held as something uniquely British. Of course it has been brewing , as already stated, for decades. Helped by those on the so called Left who are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

Whenever you wish to impose an order, using your worst traits, vilest habits and most cruel formats on your own and others it is sacrosanct to blame an enemy, real or imagined describing them and painted in your own colours. If only more studied the form of history, the real history, they might be better prepared and see before them the inflictions imposed today and tomorrow.

Presently it is the Russian state, the Chinese economic dragon, the virulent threat of Iran, the annoying small states rich in resources who refuse to lie down submissively. In perpetrating the war machine, the military industrial complex of criminal manufacture and kick back garner huge profit, an endless excuse for the few to benefit and blow the millions slaughtered on the way.

The psychopathic Zionist president of the illegal State of Israel produces his cardboard illustrations each year with regularity to demonise Iran. His own country’s huge nuclear arsenal unquestioned, illegally held by any international legality, continues to be used as threat and blackmail. Blaming others for your evil is his MO.

Moscow, since the re-election of Vladimir Putin has seen the implementation of a Stavka — war cabinet. As always the Russians knew damn well what the West was up to. By mobilising themselves so that every action, overt and covert would place them at their most readied in case the lunatics started to go full power, Russia would be prepared.

As Norman Ball writes:

Just as war is a secular trend’s final economic gesture after a series of progressively under-performing business cycles (each successive cycle hobbled by mounting, unassailable debt), the efficacy of statesmanship dissipates in like fashion. Diplomacy becomes an exercise in pushing on rhetorical strings.

Talk of S-500s ready to go into service now show the world Russia is hyper prepared in their defence of their lands with hypersonic weaponry way beyond present Western capabilities. Recent massive military exercises carried out in partnership with China and other Eurasian partners in the Far East of Russia show how ready and primed they intend to be when the lunatics spark their bid for manic control.

People are as ponerised as they are since they have, in the majority, no idea they have been played hook line and sinker. They believe the propaganda Russia is the aggressor and other BS spouted, yet when the die is cast, when the war plan is triggered it will be to any remaining to realise it was never the enemy over there but the enemy within.

Humanity as always will bear the brunt of suffering. The many will be sacrificed on the pyre of vanities of the few, dressed as freedom and democracy. If there is a saving grace to all this madness then it must be that final exposure of the scrapheap of lies, deception and destruction created for arrogance, greed and selfish gain will be exposed.

Yet with a mere few to learn that will the cost be worth it?

Meanwhile it is fitting to leave with the lines of Pink Floyd so incisively beamed into so many life stories — The Dark Side of The Moon

The lunatic is in my head
The lunatic is in my head
You raise the blade, you make the change
You re-arrange me ’til I’m sane
You lock the door
And throw away the key
There’s someone in my head but it’s not me

Final thought: All is never lost until it is lost!



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.