The Mass of 35K revolutionaries

The Revolution Off To a Typically Apologetic English Start — Part The First

Jonathan L Trapman


I have an intuition this article may rile many, upset others and on the whole get lambasted in the way only social media affords. Yet these words are written with deep commitment to change, a lifetime spent honing the skills and aptitude to take the evil castle down, by stealth as much as in your face face off!

Today (Sat 29th Aug 2020) at Trafalgar Square there was the expectation of a huge, resounding success on the lines both Paris and Berlin have shown us on previous form, with immaculate organisation.

A certain amount of rallying the troops from the likes of Stand UpX and others alongside the gallant efforts of Louise May Creffield and others, ought to have led to a passionate and success filled day. Yet the overall lack of concerted and command filled regimentation expected of a major war push, barley materialised. The full potential of broadcast, in spite of the usual suspects’ well honed and engineered plans to suffocate wide distribution of today’s event, led to the many 35K attendees being short changed considerably. Of course the individual pumping of passion and after glow will enable many to keep their own particular fires burning for many weeks. That is a great positive, for it is the very individuals’ passion and drive that will and must drive this effort to greater heights.

We were also blessed having RT’s Ruptly News Agency cover the whole day from start to finish in their usual professional way, reaching their huge global audience. We know how successful that was as it attracted a great number of the 77 Brigade’s online warriors to flood that channel with the usual feces of negative propaganda.

Holding an average of 20K plus live watchers of the events, undoubtedly will feed the impetus for growing change and additions to the troops for that change.

The 35K odd that showed up were as eager and expectant as we have come to admire, along the lines of a devoted and eager Glastonbury Festival crowd. A huge sense of purpose, generated from the full spectrum crowd of everyone from children to elders. The oddity of having the police breaking tradition and donning masks, gave a hilarious Johnny Come Lately feel to the affair, as much as adding the sort of Keystone Cops element enjoyed so profusely by our own version at Ealing Studios back in the day.

The horse bolted yet still they are ordered to mask up (surely not for looks?)

Their masked appearance highlighted the knee jerk pomposity of our arrogant and self serving leaders, in their daily disdain for the people’s well being. With their back and forth change agendas imposed, chasing eagerly sought for positive result to crown despotic whims and fancies, like some psychotic South American dictator, they chose the police to keep up appearances.

Yet from the outset with a poorly used megaphone the alleged compere and link person Kate Shemirani, spat out her offering in such an incoherent way as to be downright difficult to hear, let alone appreciate. When finally the sound system offered a PA that reached the National Gallery, the profusion of her messages were so many, so intermixed as to add confusion rather than clarity. Of course it would have pushed varying degrees of “Yea, right” in people but that is not, unfortunately, the best way to cohere a huge mass on a course of specific take down. Personally I felt her angry ranting took away from the power of the argument, rather than reinforce a determination to face the wrongdoing. Her delivery and support with all the fist pumping distracted from the excellent messages coming from the likes of Dr Adil, Prof. Cahill and others, whose clarity, calm precision messages hit, like bullets, the hearts of the massed crowd.

Surprisingly, David Icke made a really great effort to raise the crowd to revolt. His delivery was clear, well paced and with the right amount of silence between phrases to make it even more impactful. Ms Shemirani could have taken a few notes on his delivery.

As for the disastrous no show of the video links, supplanted by an excellent audio transmission, swiftly cutting off the great Del BigTree, my thoughts are these. In the organisation it ought to have been transparently obvious that the ‘big guns’ would be aimed at this meeting, thus a contingency to have a plan B and C at least would have seemed to have been an imperative. Yet it seemed that even from the outset the lack of a cohesive organisation was lacking or at best ill prepared. Having myself organised huge undertakings where a lot was at stake, it appeared to the trained eye as somewhat amateurish. I do not mean to hurt people’s sensitivities, nor detract from the positives of the day. All I would say is there needs to be a seriously tightening up and cohesion towards future events, for these failings to be rectified.

Sadly the sacrificial lamb at these meets being Piers Corbyn, as attested in his ‘enth arrest of the year, again, also had him mixed in with the organisation. Sweet mascot of revolt as he is, these rallies, protests and counter measures need the command structure of military precision (without hardware!), rather than the vague, off the cuff creations he and probably others, fiddled with.

As I said at the start, some may find this critique harsh, but frankly we need to be far smarter than the slick opponent we are faced with. This craven, criminal, miniature (compared with the 99%) cabal has a head start on our fight back, yet also suffers from its Achilles heel of arrogance and delusional madness.

Less focus on personal ego and self promotion would make a future event far healthier and by extension, achieve a more solid base to build on. So many attending this rally are intelligent and critically thinking humans, thus that very intelligence needs to be harvested, invested in everything we collectively do going forward.

Change is imperative, yet that change can only come at the price of serious intent, not self plugging grandstanding. We have got them on the run, as was shown with the 44th arrest of our own Piers Corbyn. As he rightly said, when you get into the tens of arrests it merely turns comical.

Comedy is one area we can win hearts and minds and really should be a big gun in our arsenal. Nothing like it for deflating arrogant global agenda driven balloons. It was also sad the police seemed to have kettled any advance into Parliament Square, especially after one wise cracker had locked them into their sheep pens in front of the PM’s Downing Street with a bicycle lock!

The crowds gather outside 10 Downing Street
That moment when you realise you are the sheep in the pen
Not even the Metropolitan Police clippers are gonna free you
Ya been nabbed by a smart cyclist’s chain

Not even the The importance of mass dissent and mass No! Not In My Name spectacles is, when well coordinated a powerful engine. Keeping these things as peaceful as possible is imperative, even though the gut says, Slay ‘em!

A post mortem from many sides, on the day’s successes and areas where there can be room for improvements, is essential. Coordination is vital, a coherent message running through the whole day needs to be established. Look to the Gilets Jaune, the German approach and other successful methodologies and the effect becomes even greater.

With the momentous signing of the full re-establishment of the Common Law a week earlier, the organisers missed a trick not having that as one truly positive development towards self empowerment and People’s sovereign overthrow of the Parliament and government. That it was merely an after thought made space for at what turned out to be, the non event of Parliament Square later in the day, meant a truly professional delivery to the nation of such a momentous point in history missed its national exposure.

In spite of it being signed on the exact day some 378 years after the start of the English Civil War, it bodes well for a peaceful 21st century change towards a time where peace, evolution, interdependence and a sovereign reinstatement of the People take back its rightful place.


For more on Magna Carta 2020



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.