The Choice — Falling into The Vortex of A Dying Empire or Escaping via Truth

Jonathan L Trapman
7 min readJan 9, 2019


Sampling the vagaries and full/empty seated House of Commons over the past few weeks (excepting the Festive holidays) it portrays a rabble of raucous out of control adolescents. Occasionally interrupted by an elder statesman or two, both rare commodities, it portrays the British system of so called democracy more floored than on the ropes.

We witness a government, the Tories, right wing self serving bastards pretty much all, who care not one fig for the public they are supposedly representing. Across the Channel there is an assumptive Emperor-in-wanting discarding his public as if they are mere irritant mosquitos needing a good swatting. His disdain will advance the guillotine quicker than you could say Jaques Gelée.

Then further afield we are shown a comedy-cum-circus act of such dismal proportions crowing and beating its chest telling all and sundry — We are the Greatest. Muhammad Ali would have loads to say and it would have been in the most viciously truth telling way only he knew how to deliver.

The mud of Flanders field equally seems to have been transported, hopefully by French farmers’ tractors to the halls of Brussels’ EU parliament alongside the chatterbox twin, with effluent being sprayed all over, in Strasbourg for good measure.

The end of Empire is and always has been shown to be a very self centred, messy and vile looking thing. When the claws of the antagonists refuse to let go of their self created powers, it usually ends up with the people, traduced, taking final action. In the present day case this has been like watching paint dry. The retarded nature of the frazzled minds and actions of the general population has today been exacerbated through the careful use and manipulation of technology. Primarily the abuse of communication tools, amusement apps and the whole rigmarole around pleasure giving conveniences portrayed in the handheld wonders fed us all as choice and information.

The last vestiges of our sentient brains and mind processes have been dumbed down, fractured to such an extent as to make most people impotent of and indolent to the consequences of their apathy.

Brexit was and has always been prepared as a vast tool of distraction and disinformation so great as to befuddle the best of us. The lies, specious tales and outright porkies flung through the rolling presses and screens in our face have numbed any cogent thinking. It has addled, through a continual process starting well before the birth of Brexit, our ability to stand up straight, protest in any meaningful and coordinated way. It has allowed us all to be traduced through arguments that downright lie. The little truth in each argument is enough for the small cells still functioning in the populace to believe the whole is true.

That is how propaganda in any form works.

The French people have the right idea and have previous in the revolutionary stakes. We also have but have forgotten or been fed a traduced history lesson. Oliver Cromwell headed up our people’s revolution. He was a smart cookie. His Commonwealth was built on the common citizen, common law and order that brought most people to his side. A head or two rolling may well have inspired the French a century or so later. Though head chopping was a week;y event in most countries and a good frightener for many.

So where this world is heading is anyone’s guess with the odds about as good as the lottery win. One thing is far more certain. The press barons, all six of them, need chopping down instead of the trees they slaughter for the shite published. I feel deep sorrow for those trees sacrificed for such banality, excremental column inches and lies.

How you stimulate a public so blinded from reality becomes more beyond me each day we suffer in ignorance. Those telling far greater truths are shunned as the conspirators peddling lies. Then there are all those vanguards of otherwise ‘nice’ people convinced their belief in authority, media and what they ingest to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, even if they admit they believe nothing of what they read or watch. That in itself shows the vastness of the divide between sanity and lunacy. Einstein was so right when he said doing the same old thing again and again hoping for better and different outcomes is the definition of madness.

I often hear people say “I don’t believe politicians, I don’t believe most anything I hear” — yet when you look at what they spout, think and their actions these people are precisely following what they have heard and ingested. A great rule of thumb can be — when you hear a politician or person of alleged importance open their mouths turn it into the complete opposite of what they say and that becomes a very good barometer as to where they are coming from, what their real intentions are and what is in the pipeline or has already happened. It can be most revealing. However the temptation to fall back into the comfy armchair of cognitive dissonance is great for those who rarely use their brain cells. Therein lies our greatest challenge.

As long as people chose the path of least resistance — that of backing off, not getting involved, reneging their responsibility as a part of the whole mess — we shall be sinking ever deeper into the Slough of Despond. The awakening when an individual is directly impacted will be harder and more painful than any would possibly imagine. Rather than deny, obfuscate or plain rescind responsibility, it would be better for one and all to pay attention, stand up and say “F*** this for a game of soldiers I am not taking any more!

As hope is the last thing to die, I hope enough will.

Those who believe Jeremy Corbyn is utterly unsuitable for power, have been swallowed by the incessant incantations of fear those who truly fear his turn, gag on. He or any other who may hold a ray of hope is and can never be the answer. Yet his compassion, comprehension, empathy and understanding he holds for the people is precisely what is needed today more than ever. He will not break the economy. It is broken beyond repair at the moment through decades of misappropriation. He will however be able to set in motion not only a pathway, bitter though it may be, out of the crass abuse and failure we the people have been inured into. He will also begin the process of lifting a downtrodden people into a modicum of self respect and community so sorely lacking for so long. There will be others who will help set in motion reform of the whole political landscape. It will not be a walk in the park, however if people truly wish for change, a fair balanced society on all levels it has to start with something so different as to make a difference.

Anyone believing there to be a better counterweight in the present electoral process is sorely misguided. We are not yet in any position to have formed a National Government. Far less do we wish to maintain the destructive elements making up the present state terrorists raping, pillaging and abusing our people.

Again it is a choice we individually have and will have to make. Copping out is a choice. Same old, same old is a choice. If that path suits then you deserve all the opprobrium and disaster heading your way. Action must be the gear change for change. Sitting on the computer, twiddling digits on Twitter and absorbing yourself into the latest soap or reality show is a truly coward’s way, the quisling’s compliance. It will never bring the change you wish for.

This voice may be a cry in the wilderness and it certainly will not change anything much unless there are many others who equally hold truth, legitimacy and integrity high. Sacrifice is a sacred act — thus the word. Making sacrifices for greater good is a most selfless action. That many people refuse to sacrifice their precious overlong worn out baggage of thoughts and repetitive actions and inactions is endemic as to why the slow process change looks so negligible.

We the people are many, they the oppressors are few. Do you still believe you’re as helpless and incapacitated as they daily tell you? If so, stop that lie dead! The greatest enemy, and they know that better than anything else facing them, is that the people are their real enemy, their true nemesis and so they spend every effort they muster to ingrain impotency bollocks into our minds and belief systems.

Break out, break free and face them full square and centre and shout — “Enough is Enough” Far better than the meaningless slogan Brexit means Brexit, is it not?

End note: In or out is not the answer and never ought to have been, as the real question was never put to the people. Do not continue to rant each other with the In/Out distraction. The answer is never found in the past or in revitalising dead ducks.

The real question is — how much longer do you wish to be subsumed and held in bondage by systems and small elites who have zilch interest in your well being, yet will always reinvent ways to control, use and abuse you? Your humanity is at its most perilous. That ought to flag up a modicum of self interest. They’ll feed you their fear programs yet all the while allow the truly horrifying reality of their true intentions form and concrete silently and surely around your body and soul. Until you awaken to reality you will never see it coming until it finally covers your eyes for good.

Do not accept that, ever!



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.