It’s A Numbers Game For Evil Intent

Jonathan L Trapman
6 min readJan 28, 2019


When such anniversaries as Holocaust Memorial Day are proposed and foisted as our learning yard stick, it is right we all must do our utmost to make sure these horrors are not perpetrated on humankind again. Yet to make sure we focus on just one horror as the premier be all and end all of horror holocausts creates a dubious and raucous air verging on insidious manipulation.

I find this constant drone of ‘look at this horrendous event as the living breathing proof of evil incarnate’becoming more and more transparent as a perpetual mind game conditioning generations into believing one relatively small set of characters become the most put upon people in history. Challenging this assumption places myself and many others as a rogues gallery of racists and the good ol’ worn out charge of anti semites. That this is so far from the truth from a personal perspective becomes overridden roughshod by a tired narrative as full of holes as any common sieve.

Being told to believe one particular evil has to be the only evil to focus on allows a dystopian world where only certain self serving evils are tolerated, committed for the greater good and so often for ‘freedumandemokracy’. All others become mere mosquito bites on the atrocity scale for humanity. Over my long life I have watched as this narrative has gained ascendency, become a holy commandment and been the causus belli for all sorts of equal and greater horrors perpetuated.

The hollow phrase of “We must never allow this to happen again and must all learn from history” becomes a clanging bell of vacuity as all around we are shown the very proponents of that shallow imprecation, broken, forgetten and foregone. Inconvenient historical facts obliterated and erased.

In our collective shame we buy into this like so much of the propaganda we swim in today. I am appalled at how easy it is for otherwise sane people to trot off, support conditions created by one small set of people while in the next breath they decry other peoples, countries and regimes for what they selectively support. Double standards run riot through the normal scale. Far greater genocides and evil extinctions are taken off the table, out of sight and mind as their presence, past and present, become inconvenient to an ongoing narrative.

The narrative is very, very specific. It demands adherence to a thought form acknowledging persecution of a minority as the benchmark of guilt and everlasting remembrance from the rest of us.

What happened in the Second World War was humanity at its terrible. Not only those acts perpetrated by the Nazis but also the horrors perpetrated by the Allies. The ownership of genocide in Dresden, deliberate starvation and death brought upon the losers, the utterly unnecessary, from an attritional point of view, nuclear bombing of the Japanese population and much more are varnished, scrubbed and labelled as war necessities.

Today we have witnessed an ever increasing host of slaughter and genocide that far outstrips the real numbers of the German holocaust. Saying that undoubtedly will incur the ire of those proselytising the sacred number, accusing me of heresy.

Daily we witness those who bleat their very special case, perpetrate injustice and criminal action on others they stigmatise as one of them describes as ‘no better and less than animals’. We see the specious, vacuous and downright evil of their own concreted rightness displayed in arrogance of the most abject absurdity.

Over the years I began to recognise the ‘trick’ being played on us all. For those who pride themselves with a critical mind it is only right and proper to stand up, face facts, question legitimacy and call out this virulent cant. When such questioning becomes a crime it is obvious to many the perpetrators of these insidious mind games will go the full distance to ostracise , obstruct and persecute all truth other than their own spurious, fabled version. Their crimes, their stories have been manipulated from the word go, let no one be fooled.

Many who have been caught up in these horrors have had perpetrated on their rightful sufferings an overarching wrong.

It’s a numbers game for a very good reason. Numbers can be used to establish a plot, a disfigurement in seemingly absolute proportions. They are able to easily and swiftly embed a narrative in their vastness, so often blinding us all from any actuality. That very numbers game however can equally be outed and shown to be the fabrication it was designed to be by time and history itself.

What do I mean by that?

Way back before The Holocaust was proclaimed to become the benchmark stigmata upholding a narrative of absolute control, the numbers associated with it were already in wide circulation for many decades before. Each time they were used to illustrate the subjugation of a minority, whose history has been overpainted as historical sufferers. Each time they were thrown into the written word, broadcast propaganda stipulating how decisive and evil was the travesty endured — their message became embedded. All questioning of these uses would be leaped upon like a wolf on its prey. No argument or alternative interpretation is allowed.

I look back through history, the true history, not that of the victors and it becomes apparent perpetration of cruelty, subjugation and genocide has been the hallmark of those calling themselves civilised.

To constantly repeat and adhere to a number in order to indoctrinate a narrative is crass in any sane assessment. That it is and has been challenged and publicly ‘written down‘ from its misinterpreted math is targeted as criminal. To suggest this sacred figure was erroneous not only challenges a manipulation but also destroys a mentally embedded construct lying at the centre of fallacies we are asked to believe.

No one is in any doubt evil acts were perpetrated, no one can and should deny any criminal acts in war. What has to be questioned is why the sacrosanct, absolute has any right not to be questioned, discussed alongside so many other ‘facts’ presented as our true history.

The world becomes a better, more intelligent and properly informed when people question more. To demand the exclusion of this process with certain events must raise the question: “Why, what and for whose gain?”

Such pronouncements make an agenda more likely, and not a benign one at that. Like a wounded predator the ‘victims‘ lash out endeavouring to expunge all and any criticism of divergent storylines. All the while they demand their own continued perpetration of illegality foisted on others to be ignored.

I would like to feel at this time of anniversary that we must include without exception the many perpetrations of inhumanity inflicted by us on humanity. Equal relevance cannot afford to be whitewashed, lessened or expunged.

Am I asked to believe one specific evil holds greater import than any other? Because if so then the demand for such nonsensical ‘specialness’ reminds me of those immortal words:

If you wish to know who rules over you then look to those disallowing any criticism or questioning of their actions

Let me leave you with a non exhaustive list of holocausts, genocides and inhumanity having taken place prior to and after the events during the Second World War. I am certain many more can be added, yet it is instructive to remind ourselves of the far less mentioned or scrutinised others at moments such as these:

Nazi exterminations
American Indians
Kazakh genocide
Albigensian Crusade
Irish genocide
Indian Famine instigated by Britain
East Timor
Soviet Gulag atrocities

Definition of holocaust — destruction or slaughter on a mass scale, especially caused by fire or nuclear war.

Definition of genocide — the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group



Jonathan L Trapman

Author, independent journalist, photographer - helping reposition sanity, common sense and collective cognitive faculties back into prime functioning order.